[ui!] Approach
How can you promote digitalization in your community?
We support cities, communities, counties and regions in their efforts to collect, process and analyze all existing and anonymized urban data on a central data platform. We also help make this data available for new services as added value for cities, community and utility companies.
These solutions are based on an open urban data platform - the [ui!] UrbanPulse - where all data from a city's various IT systems are fed into a multitude of connectors, in order to be used for new smart city services in real-time.
[ui!] UrbanPulse enables the transparent visualization of all information about a city and makes it available for further use. The data sovereignty always remains with the client, for whom the data is being collected. The platform, therefore, not only provides integrated access to urban data, but it also prevents the risk of data misuse.