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Improving the quality of life in Constance with [ui!]

Konstanz SKIKA

The city of Constance initiated a project workshop on the topic "Quality of Life" and invited citizens and experts to participate. The goal was to develop a Smart Green City strategy for the city of Constance through joint brainstorming and discussion rounds.

[ui!] was represented by colleague Lisa Brunzel, who brought the experience of a successfully implemented project (SDIKA - Secure Digital Identities Karlsruhe) as a proposal to the project workshop. In this project, the basic idea of a regional point system for the retail trade, combined with the rewarding of honorary office and association work, was implemented.

We are pleased to have been able to participate with Lisa Brunzel in the project workshop with innovative ideas and supra-regional exchange, which we hope will advance the Smart-Green-City strategy of the city of Constance.

We are curious to see how the idea will be further processed in the strategic development process and how new ideas will be added.